"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

  • Since 1955, The Connors Insurance Agency, located in Mechanicville, NY, has been focused on responding to the needs of our customers, and we take pride in our role as insurance advisors, and in our relationships with the finest insurance carriers available. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to individuals and businesses in our community, and surrounding areas, for all their insurance needs, and peace of mind that you will be protected in the event of an untimely loss.

The Truth About Basic Home Security


Is your home an easy target for burglars? Find out what they’re looking for, according to home security pros, and how you can help make your home more secure


“I came home from work, and the garage door was open. I thought I forgot to close it, but then I noticed the back door was open too,” says Jeanne Storm,* a homeowner in St. Louis, Missouri. “I walked into the kitchen and there was glass everywhere.”

The sun was still shining outside, she recalls, which made it even harder to believe what the broken glass really meant. Storm and her husband were the victims of a well-planned burglary that happened in broad daylight.

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Mobile Home Window Replacement

If the frame on one of your mobile home windows is warped or severely weather damaged, replace it. Even if the frames aren't warped or damaged, windows that seem to constantly need repair or adjustment should be replaced. A new, efficient window keeps cold drafts out of your manufactured home and saves you energy dollars in the long run.

Before you buy a replacement for an old window, think about the style and size of the new window you'd like. Things to consider are the window's location, whether you want a smaller or larger replacement, and the way the original window was mounted on your home. Don't assume that you must replace your old window with an exact duplicate. Many new energy-efficient windows, in a variety of styles, are made for manufactured homes.

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