If you are tired and have a long drive ahead of you, think twice before getting behind the wheel. Falling asleep at the wheel is clearly dangerous, but being sleepy affects your ability to drive safely even if you don’t fall asleep. Drowsiness can make drivers less attentive, slow their reaction time and affect their ability to make safe decisions.
Although it may be difficult to attribute a fatal accident to drowsy driving, it is implicated in more than 100,000 car accidents per year, which leave 71,000 people injured and 1,500 dead according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, although some experts feel that the number of fatal crashes each year due to drowsy driving is closer to 5,000 or 6,000 people.
New research on the need for adequate sleep in maintaining good health, coupled with the negative impacts of sleep deprivation are coming to the attention of policymakers, and investigations are ongoing into what role drowsy driving is playing in traffic accidents. The state of New Jersey signed the nation’s first law that specifically named driving while drowsy as a criminal offense, and many other states may soon follow suit.
Some of the warning signs of drowsy driving include yawning or blinking frequently, missing your exit, drifting from your lane or hitting the rumble strip on the side of the highway. Some safe solutions to prevent drowsy driving include changing drivers if possible, taking a break from driving every few hours, getting some sleep in a well-lit rest area, stopping to stay at a motel or hotel and getting plenty of sleep before starting any road trip. Whatever you do, don’t try to drive all through the night. A higher percentage of accidents occur during the night, rather than in the day.
Kevin Connors is a Certified Insurance Counselor and licensed Property/Casualty and Life Insurance Agent with The Connors Insurance Agency in Mechanicville, NY. Mr. Connors can be reached at (518)664-7307 or KConnors@Connorsgroup.com