"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

  • Since 1955, The Connors Insurance Agency, located in Mechanicville, NY, has been focused on responding to the needs of our customers, and we take pride in our role as insurance advisors, and in our relationships with the finest insurance carriers available. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to individuals and businesses in our community, and surrounding areas, for all their insurance needs, and peace of mind that you will be protected in the event of an untimely loss.

Get Ready For Winter Weather

Cooler temperatures are setting in, which of course means winter is on its way.  Before the winter weather hits, make sure to talk to your family about how to stay safe and take action to get prepared.  Planning and preparing can help you manage the impact of severe winter weather.

The insurance industry has outlined the following steps that you can take now to prepare for a winter storm, including;

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Thieves Are Getting Smarter

Not all thieves are stupid, like the ones you see on TV. Here are some real life claims that were recently reported to The Travelers Insurance Company.

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